Friday, July 12, 2013

let's try this again// noises off

I really do miss blogging. I don't know why I don't update regularly. I think about it all the time ("This would make a great blog post!" "Better take a picture for the blog!" etc.) but then for some reason, I just don't. As always, though, this is my space, and I am going to do what I want with it. I don't have hundreds of followers like some people, so I really don't feel like making an apology for my "absence." Sorry, I've just been enjoying life, and I think that's perfectly okay!

Instead of cramming everything I've been up to into one post, I'm going to update in segments. The most important thing I've tackled this summer is my involvement with Black Rose Theatre. In May, I got cast as Poppy in the comedy Noises Off! It was such an amazing experience. I worked with what I would say are the most talented people I have ever met (and I've been acting for 10+ years now!) This was the most complicated play I have ever done, as well. I'm used to memorizing lines and digging into emotions and all that good stuff, but there was so much blocking in this play (basically, where and how to move and when) that I had never experienced before. We also had to build a fully rotating set. I was more involved with the set and lighting than I have ever been, as well.

So what's Noises Off! about? Basically it's about a group of people putting on a play and all the drama that goes on on AND off stage! My character ended up pregnant, people threatened to kill other people, actors went missing... so fun! 

By far one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done! And it doesn't stop there! I auditioned for their night of One Acts written and directed by local playwrights, and I got a part in The Date. Rehearsals for that are well under-way and it's pretty funny, too! I never thought of myself as a comedic actress before (my first-love are historical/period dramas and Shakespeare), but it's been fun and a growing experience, for sure!

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